Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Pictures of my kids!

I took the kids out in my backyard to take pictures today! We got a few good ones.....a few fuzzy ones and a few that make me say, WOW!

Let's start with Geneva.....she's 7 1/2 and so full of sass and a big personality. She definitely keeps her brothers hopping and on their toes!

 Her brothers as her bodyguards!

And then there's Brighton...….He's 10 now and getting so grown up! He's sweet, handsome....and tall!

He and his brother like to match wits and at times, fists!
These 3 …...

And Mason......he's 7 1/2 and loves to make us all laugh! He has an awesome smile but I have a hard time capturing it because he's usually goofing off in some way!

This twosome! Be still my heart!

I truly love these 3 so much! 

Geneva and Mama!
 And here I am with my twosome! I am so proud of how amazing they are! They are inquisitive, sweet and adorable.....of course, I think so, I'm their Mama!

P.S. Geneva is wearing an LLR Scarlett and leggings in some of the pictures and I am wearing a Carly!