Thursday, June 9, 2011

The latest news!!

Still no pictures, since I haven't gotten a photobucket or flickr account yet.  :o)  However, to let you know what has been going on lately, here are some news tidbits! 

On May 4th, I got a positive pregnancy test!! YAY!! So exciting.  I had been having symptoms of pregnancy for over a week and knew it was still too early to test, but then I decided to just go ahead with it.

On May 5th, I went into the dr. to get an official confirmation.  That test was also positive.  We figured that my due date was Jan. 16, 2012.

On May 19th, I had my first prenatal appt.  We then changed my due date to Jan. 15th.

On May 20th, I volunteered to help with training for an ultrasound tech for a local pregnancy center.  I was 6 weeks along that day.  I was seeing two sacs but thought I was seeing mirror till the end and the two techs asked me if I knew what I was seeing and then I knew I had really been seeing two.  :o)  Wow!!  But we weren't able to see heartbeats and they told me to call my dr. on Monday!!

On May 23rd, I talked to my dr.'s office and they said to go in for a regular ultrasound.

On May 25th, I went in for the "real" ultrasound and we got to see the two gestational sacs with the yolk sacs and inside two little heartbeats!

Tomorrow, June 10th, I will be 9 weeks along.  My next prenatal appt is in a couple weeks! Can't wait to discuss TWINS with my doctor!