Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Baby is learning new things......

.....and starting to talk.

On Saturday morning, he woke up and we could hear him chattering on the monitor. Just random chatter, then all of the sudden we hear, "Dada..............Dada." Ah, he knows Daddy usually comes and gets him up on the weekends. So, Daddy went and got him. :o)

Then on Monday morning, I was listening to him as he woke up, chattering again, quite happily for a while. Finally, I went down to get him. I walked into his room and asked him, "Are you ready to get up?" and he very clearly answered me, "Up." I was delighted and said to him, "You are ready to get up! You said 'up'!!" Then when I took him out of the crib I repeated "Up" again. :o) It's exciting and sad all at once.

I am trying to teach him a few hand signs, such as please, thank you, more, etc. So, he can tell me nicely that he wants more instead of just squawking or yelling when he wants something. He's getting so big now and he knows now when he wants something and "asks" for it by "squawking"!!

Well, my sweet little boy is needing my attention and we need to leave for work soon. I should grab a bite to eat and he needs a chill pill. He's a little fussy. I had to fight him all the way from changing his diaper to getting his clothes and shoes on this morning!!

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