Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What do babies do when Mommy is sick?

That was my question this morning. When I went to sleep last night, I felt a little off but didn't really think much of it. I pretty much just thought it was because I was tired. I fell asleep without brushing my teeth or taking my medicine, so I got up around 10:30 to do so. Then went back to sleep. The next time I woke up was at 1 to go give Brighton his binky so he could go back to sleep, which he did promptly. I went back to bed but couldn't get comfy....then it hit me at about 1:20......I told Dewayne I wasn't feeling that good and he went downstairs to get me Pepto-Bismal, but while he was down there I had to run down to use the bathroom. It was awful.....I hate throwing up. I was going to go back to bed but wasn't comfortable lying down, so I moved my "barf bucket", water bottle, blankets and laptop down to the recliner and sat in that for an hour and a half, then laid down on the couch and tried to sleep. Which I did sporadically. Brighton woke up to nurse at 4 (it hurt to hold him) and then went right back to sleep. I tried to sleep more but my whole body, my head and stomach hurt. I haven't been this sick in ages and I definitely haven't thrown up like this since I was in labor with Brighton.

My sweet husband is taking part of the morning off to take care of Brighton for me. Isn't he just the best??!! He already fed him breakfast and now he is changing his diaper and will most likely get him dressed!

Brighton is 'squawking' now......he has a new way of expressing himself and he can be quite loud, but it's not an upset sound, it's a happy sound. I love it. He has learned how to clap now and how to wave bye!


  1. Getting sick as a Mom is the worst. There is no "calling in sick", especially with a nursing baby. It's good when it happens on the weekend, but usually it doesn't. Hope you're feeling better.

  2. Oh boy! i know a thing or 2 about this;)lol
