Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Complete Bedrest but with a stricter Regime

Okay....I do understand that complete bedrest means you are supposed to be down and only be up to go to the bathroom. Well, now I have been smudging that line just a little. I was hanging out upstairs in our bedroom, which means that to use the bathroom, get snacks, etc., I had to come downstairs, then head back up the stairs when I was done. :-) I also was okayed to go to the chiropractor for adjustments and get a massage. But no more. I must stay horizontal ALL THE TIME. Except for short, fast bathroom breaks and NO MORE STAIRS. WAAAHHHH. It means I have to be downstairs, which means it will be easier to grab a yogurt from the fridge on my way back from the bathroom. It also means that my husband will be sleeping upstairs alone and I will be sleeping downstairs ALONE on the couch, in the spare room on the twin bed or on the futon in the back room. Unless, he wanted to set up the futon close to whatever "bed" I end up on, so he could be nearby at least. But, really now maybe he will actually get some real sleep without me tossing and turning and groaning beside him. Since Friday night, my discomfort has increased (I think it's due to the size of my belly) and my ability to actually sleep well has decreased. I had some pretty strong contractions yesterday and they even started getting regular, almost down to the every ten minutes that the Dr. said would be our sign to head into Anchorage to Providence Hospital. But then they tapered off and we tried to sleep. :-) Baby hasn't dropped or "lightened" yet, and the Dr. says that usually happens sooner when it's your first. And because I'm carrying so high, that it should be very obvious when it does happen. I am starting to get to the place where I just want to have this baby, so I don't feel big and ungainly anymore and I get to meet this new person who will be changing our life, so much!!!

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